
Showing posts from November, 2022

Pain vs Joy: Which is most intense?

Intensity of hurt and joy. Photo source: We had some major "overcoming moments" this weekend. The joy we felt solving the problem together was intense. Anxiety. Overwhelmed. Helpless. Clueless. All seemed to prevail. But THEN ... problem solved. Breakthrough! Joy abounds. It was intense. We wake this morning to enjoy our victory yet, the intensity went full swing the other way. Those strong senses of gratitude and deep love and appreciation were quickly washed away with harsh words. Impatience. Sting of rebuke. Tears wanted to come and then I heard in my head "do not let Satan steal your joy." Immediately I thanked God for that reminder. This is the enemy identified. The ambush was intense. Brief. And the skirmish resolved quickly.  I wiped my tears and thought about the joy of yesterday and the hurt of just now. How equally intense they are. Then I remembered an even more intense joy. A few years back I was driving to work. One of my habits has be...