Watch Out, World3: I Need a Lifesaver

My first step was to budget and follow our money in a way that made sense to us. I talked to many folks about how they managed their finances. Including my parents who lived debt-free their entire life with one tiny exception: the occasional XX-days-same-as-cash and their mortgage. Now, they had six children. Took us on family vacations. Put all of us through additional education after our high school graduations. And retired quite comfortably. I wanted that legacy to continue. So, what budget tool would work for me? We had to diminish our debt so we tackled it by adapting our own methods. Debt Reduction Ain't Easy It took two tries at debt-consolidation to realize that was not the answer. In both cases we ended up with the loan to consolidate and added more debt onto our credit cards. No reduction happening, yet. Plus, I had an impulse buy issue. You know those handy-dandy items located by the checkout lanes? Those were made for me. I would stand there and ...