Melody and Harmony

In my last post , I mentioned the writing of Christmas Redemption and its presentation Dec. 10 and 11 at Aspen Park Baptist Church in Broken Arrow, OK. After we'd completed most of the writing, I was honored to lead a Bible study with the women of our church. The name is Fight Like a Girl and was created by Lisa Bevere. In this study, Lisa reminds women about the amazing creation we are. She points out how important we are to God because He needed a solution to Adam's loneliness when He created Eve. She had a voice that was hidden inside Adam. God drew that voice out of Adam's side and made it so it could be heard together with Adam's. Teaching about the partnership and cooperation created in the garden of Eden was pretty cool. But even more amazing was living it out. In 1975 God brought my husband and me together and we married two-and-a-half years later. As I stated in my previous post , my husband is a melody man. He also loves words. He has written m...