What a ride!

Three years ago a friend, Steve Cowen, approached our minister of music, Tom Clark, about a drama he'd written. It was for Christmas. Tom pointed Steve to my husband, Scott, for the music needed to accompany the drama and then life took over. Typical interruptions: Illness. Death. Departures. Arrivals. Retirement. It's amazing how God brings about events in our lives to prepare us for tasks He has for us to complete. So earlier this year (2016) Scott and Steve decided now was the time to present the drama. Yeah - Scott and I wrote the music but that's the side story. The real story is God illustrating the beautiful mate and helpmate created when He originally designed man and woman. You see, Scott is a melody kind of person. When we listen to music, he will always sing or hum the melody. I, however, am a harmony person. When I listen to music, I always migrate to a harmony to sing or hum. So in 1977 when God put Scott and me together, he was prepa...